The Digby County Exhibition is on from today through the weekend. It's one of Bear River's oldest running traditions! Come out and celebrate with us the rich agricultural history of our community. Bring the family out for live entertainment, including horse shows & ox pulls throughout the day and live music from Felix & Friends and The Hillbilly Band.
Visit Bear River during the day or shop around the vendors' market, grab a bite to eat, check out the art displays, and support local fundraising initiatives by bidding on the silent auctions.
Visit our website www. theweymouthbridge.com or Facebook page for all the posters with further details. Please share this and ask others to subscribe.
This Week's Events (Aug 22-29) (posters)
Aug 1 to 27 Awakening – Exhibition at Big Blue Gallery
11am-4:00pm Tuesdays-Sundays 3491 Highway 1, Belliveau Cove.
Aug 1 to Aug 31 Community Art Expo-Sale
10am-4pm Saint Bernard Church sacristy. 3623 Route 1, Saint Bernard.
Bear River Exhibition Grounds
Thur Aug 22 Weymouth Tea for the St. Peter’s Church
2-4pm St. Joseph’s Church, 19 Weymouth Falls Road. Free will offering
Thur Aug 22 Digby Neck Community Market Â
3-6pm Digby Neck Consolidated School, Sandy Cove. Arts & Crafts made by local artisans. Bake Sale & BBQ fundraiser. Facebook: Digby Neck Community Market.
Fri Aug 23 to Sun Aug 25 U18 Provincial Baseball Tournament
Most games are played at the Cricket Field in Weymouth (Field F1) with two games played in Clare at the High School Field (Field F2) Teams from Weymouth, Tri-County, Prospect, Truro and Richmond.
Fri Aug 23 BBQ ribs dinner
5-6pm Clementsport Legion $20
Fri Aug 23 Digby Gardens 10 year Anniversary Party
6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Movie, DJ, snacks & drinks for sale 93 Church St. Digby
Fri Aug 23 Ruth Manning & The Prospectors (Free Concert)
7pm Music on the Sissiboo, Sissiboo Landing, Weymouth
Fri Aug 23 Twisters
7:30pm King's Theatre, Film, Action, Adventure, Comedy, PG $10.95 Adult $6.95
Sat Aug 24 Afternoon Tea and Silent Auction
1-3pm Felker Hall, Cornwallis. Fundraiser for Felker Hall
Sat Aug 24 Family Fun Day (Digby County Exhibition)
854 Riverview Rd, Bear River, Commercial Building. Bouncy castle, face painting,
colouring contest.
Sat Aug 24 Pork Roast
4-6pm  Takeout only. Havelock Area Fire Dept.
Sat Aug 24 Jah’mila
7:30pm Kings Theatre. Live Music. $35 Adult $5 Youth Jah’Mila is a reggae singer from Kingston, Jamaica, now based in Atlantic Canada. With a deep-rooted love for traditional roots reggae, her music blends the vibrant spirit of Jamaican roots music with elements of jazz and modern soul.
Sun Aug 25 Beginner Cabin Building
10am The Maregold Centre, Victoria Beach
Sun Aug 25 Inside Out 2
3 pm King’s Theatre, Film, Animation, Family, Comedy, G $10.95 Adult $6.95 Youth
Mon Aug 26 – Fri Aug 30 Musical Camp for Youth
Kings Theatre. 5-day, all day. for Youth ages 8-16 with Andrew Morrisey. $225 + tax per participant for the week. Participants are asked to bring their own snacks, lunch, and beverages. There will be a Final Performances on the last day for friends and family.
Mon Aug 26 Weymouth Garden Club Meeting
7pm Weymouth Library All welcome.
Wed Aug 28 Discovering Dinosaurs
1-2pm Weymouth Library. The National Touring Museum presents the undisputed rockstar of dinosaur expertise, Tim Jeffries. Armed with mind-boggling dinosaur knowledge, he brings a collection of fossils he personally excavated in Alberta’s Badlands. Jeffries will share the incredible journey of dinosaur bones, from dusty digs to dazzling museum displays. Discover why Alberta is the holy grail for dinosaur discoveries. He will teach participants to tell the difference between rocks and bones and answer all your questions.
Wed Aug 28 How Solar Power can save you Money
5:30pm Digby Library HFX Solar
Wed Aug 28 The Fabulous Four
7:30pm King’s Theatre Film Comedy PG $10.95 Adult $6.95 Youth.
Thur Aug 29 to Sun Sep 1 Wharf Rat Rally (https://wharfratrally.com/)
Downtown Digby
New Events after this week (posters)
Sat Aug 31 & Sun Sep 1 Breakfast
7 am – 10 am Deep Brook/Waldec Lions Club $15.  948 Hwy 1, Deep Brook.
Sun Sep 29 An afternoon of music with Noelle Lucas & friends.
2 – 4 pm Grace United Church, 15 Prince William Street, Digby. Grace Coffee Café presents a fundraiser for Trinity Anglican Church (Digby) roof repairs. Freewill offering.
Sat Oct 19 Christmas Craft Fair
10 am – 4 pm 948 Highway 1, Deep Brook. To be a vendor phone Cindy at 902-526-2335
Regular Events (posters)
Free Virtual Urgent Care Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat & Sun 8am – noon. 1-833-413-0277
Bear River Night Market every 2nd Wednesday 4-8pm – Oct 9
Smiths Cove Fire Dept Coffee Mornings Thursdays 9:30-11:30am 43 North Old Post Road, Smith’s Cove. By donation.
Open Stage, every 2nd Sunday, 2-4pm The Village Cauldron Café.
Bear River Breakfasts. First Saturday of each month. 7am-10am. Adults $15, Kids under 10 $7, under five years free
Regular events in DEEP BOOK / CORNWALLIS
Deep Brook Community Market Wednesdays 2-5pm 948 Hwy 1 Deep Brook
Vinyasa Flow Yoga Thursday evening 6:30-7:30pm Felker Hall, Cornwallis Park
Zumba  Tuesdays 6:30-7:30pm Felker Hall Cornwallis $5pp 902-526-2140
Low Impact Exercises Mon, Wed & Fridays 9-10am Felker Hall Cornwallis 902-638-3373
Cribbage  Thursdays from 12:30pm Felker Hall Cornwallis 902-376-2007
Indoor Flea Market Sundays 10am-3pm May to September 726 Broadway Ave. Cornwallis. Vendors wanted 902-955-0779
Hatha Yoga Class, Felker Hall, Cornwallis, on Mondays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Please bring a Yoga mat and a blanket. The class is by donation.
Chair Yoga Class, Felker Hall, Cornwallis, on Fridays from 11:30am - 12:45pm. Please bring a Yoga mat and a blanket. By donation.
Tai Chi Qigong Tues 9:45 and Sat. at 10am $15 drop-in, $40 per m. Family Rec Centre 726 Broadway Av Jenny 902-841-0333
Line Dancing, Felker Hall, Cornwallis, Mondays & Fridays 10-11am $5 per class
Meat Bingo, Fridays 7pm, Felker Hall, Cornwallis. Door prize, 50/50, game prizes
Karate, Women's Defense, Weapons, DiscoveryBound Youth Centre, www.firstcontactkarate.com, 726 Broadway, Cornwallis
Regular events in DIGBY
Wanderer Wednesday at Digby Pines Members of L’sitkuk (Bear River First Nation) have started the construction of a community canoe at the Digby Pines Golf Resort & Spa. On scheduled days, there will be Elders, a fluent language Mentor, and Rose Meuse will be present.
Aqua Fit Fridays 4:15-5:15 $8 27 Shreve Str., Digby
Music on the Promenade Digby Wednesdays and Fridays 6-8pm
August Family Center Summer workshops, transition to school, toddler time, crafting together, prenatal, parenting the defiant child, amped up, social time. For days and times please call 902-245-2300.
Lobster & Laughs Sundays, Digby Pines $60
Digby Climbing Wall Tuesdays and Thursday nights 6-8pm $5 per person at Digby Curling Centre, 27 Shreve Street.
Digby Farmers & Artisans Market Fridays & Sundays from June to September 10am- 3pm along the Admirals Walk in Digby N.S
Pickleball Sundays 10am-noon DRHS Gym
Regular events in WEYMOUTH
Weymouth Legion
BINGO on Tuesday nights. From 5:30, games start at 7pm. Jackpot goes up $50/week
Jam Nights on Thursdays 7-9:30pm. Pub Grub, 50/50, bar (+19yrs)
Happy Hour Fridays 5pm-7pm. Karaoke with Woody Every other Saturday 7-11pm with Pub Grub.
Karaoke with Jason Every other Friday OR Saturday with Pub Grub.
Karaoke with Lady Heidi Sundays 3-7pm with a proper meal, no pub grub. All Summer.
Meat Draw Every 6 weeks
Weymouth Church of Christ Kids Club (Gr 1-5) Wed 7-8pm Youth Club (Gr 6-10) Wed 7-8pm
Regular events in CLARE
NS Walk Group, Clare Wed 10am DJs General Store, Salmon River
Lions Bingo Mondays 7pm Meteghan Lions Club
Darts Thursdays 1:30pm Clare Columbus Club $3
Scrapbooking at Clare Library, Tuesdays, 6-7:45pm

All events and posters are on our website, and facebook page. New posters are added continuously to the website, so check there to see what's on.
Email us at info@theweymouthbridge.com
Have a lovely week
Eleanor & Wayne