Well it got warm enough for the robins to arrive and start nesting and laying eggs, and the black flies and ticks to emerge. But then it got cold again, so at least the black flies disappeared!
We have a couple of new events and then a listing of this weeks. Enjoy
All events are listed and the posters are uploaded onto our website (www. the weymouthbridge.com) as well as into photo albums on our facebook page.
May 6 Wild Roots Nature Club
May 13 Giant Yard Sale, Clare
May 26 Clare Community Swap
May 31 Polite Society, KT
Jun 2 Are you there God? It's Margaret, KT
Jun 3 Pickerel Fishing Tournament
Jun 4 Free Songwriting Workshop, KT
Aug 28 to Sep1 Musical Theatre youth Camp, KT
Regular event: Line Dancing, Felker Hall, Cornwallis, Mondays & Fridays 10:30am-11:30am $5 per class
(KT: King's Theatre, Annapolis Royal)
May exhibition at Sissiboo Coffee, Bear River
May exhibition at Weymouth library
May 5 Jimmy the Janitor, comedian
May 6 Wild Roots Nature Club
May 6 Open Market at Wild Rose Farm
May 6 and 7 Moon Base Alpha, KT
May 7 Coronation Tea Party, Digby Museum
May 7 Fundy Chorale, live choral music, Digby
May 7 Open mic, Clare
May 8 WHMIS training, Digby
May 9 Needlecraft, Weymouth Library
May 10 Food Handlers Course, Digby
May 10 Dance for All, KT
(KT: King's Theatre, Annapolis Royal)
Smith's Cove Fire Dept Community Coffee, 9:30-11:30 every Thursday until end of June
Bear River Breakfasts. First Saturday of each month. 7am-10am. Adults $15, Kids under 10 $7, under 5 years free.​
Meat Bingo, Fridays 7pm, Felker Hall, Cornwallis. Door prize, 50/50, game prizes
Line Dancing, Felker Hall, Cornwallis, Mondays & Fridays 10:30am-11:30am $5 per class
Digby Market starts June 2, 10am-3pm, Fridays & Sundays
Basketball: Tues & Thurs 5:30-7pm DRHS
Tutoring Gr 7-12 Tues 3:30-5pm; Thurs 5:30-7:30pm, Turning the Tide, 87 Warwick Street (NSCC), Digby. Registration required.
Pickleball, Digby, Wed 7-9pm, Digby Regional High School (*Except when school is cancelled and half days.)
Youth Space, Thursdays 3-7pm, Turning The Tide, NSCC, 87 Warwick St, Digby
Cardio and Core, Mon 9:30-10:30, DARC
Zumba Gold, Fri 11am-12noon, DARC
Chair yoga Wed 9:30-10:30am OR 10:45-11:45am DARC
This Girl Can, for girls gr 6-9, Wed after school - 5:15pm, DARC
Kids in Motion - Digby. After school - 5pm. Gr 4-6 Mondays. Gr P-3 Wednesdays. Digby Elementary School. DARC Registration required 902-245-4344
Indoor walking, Digby Tues & Thurs 6-7pm DRHS
Open Gym, Weymouth 10am-1pm Saturdays SMBA. 4079 Evageline Trail, St Bernard
Indoor walking, Weymouth. Tues & Thurs 6-7pm SMBA. 4079 Evageline Trail, St Bernard
Pickleball, Weymouth, Sundays 10am-noon, SMBA, 4079 Evageline Trail, St Bernard.
Kids in Motion, Weymouth. After school - 5pm. Gr 4-6 Tuesdays. Gr P-3 Thursdays. Weymouth Consolidated School. DARC Registration required 902-245-4344
Weymouth Youth Drop-in 1-4pm Alternate Saturdays. Ages 15-30.​ Weymouth C. of Christ
​Weymouth C. of Christ - Kids Club; Youth Group; Wednesdays 6:45-8pm
Army Cadets, Thurs 6:45-9pm, Havelock Community Centre. Ages 12-18. Call 902-250-0429
Volunteers wanted to drive clients to clinics, Weymouth VON.
Indoor walking, Clare, Tues & Thurs 5-8pm Ecole Secondaire de Clare.
All events and posters are on our website home page, and facebook page
All events are listed above. New posters are added continuously to the website, so check there to see what's on.
Let us know of any events and send contributions, comments or complaints, to info@theweymouthbridge.com
Have a lovely week
Eleanor & Wayne