Welcome to 2019 and our 23rd issue. The Weymouth Bridge has been running for almost 2 years! Congratulations to EVERYONE involved.
Firstly our readers - do you know you can receive The Bridge by email for free every month, in color? Just sign up on our website,enter your name and email and Voila! - no more chasing the printed copies. Go to www.TheWeymouthBridge.com then to Contact Us and Receive The Bridge. Every month you will get a link to the color version which you can view or download to print as often as you like. You may also send it to friends and family too, and get them to sign up also, its free.
Secondly our advertisers - all of them, those who stay with us all year, and those who only can make it every now’n’again - Thank you! You make it all possible.
Event Organizers - please let us know about events. We want our readers to know what’s happening, you want our readers to come out, so PLEASE send us the details (contact details on the back page). If an event is free, a fundraiser or for charity then we will happily add it to the calendar for free, and may be able to squeeze in a poster for free, depending upon space.
Last but definitely not least - thanks to Rick and his team at Digby Print and Promo. What great help and support you give us, from the start, always cheerful and willing with wise advice. Thank you.
Please let us know about Local Artists, Local Heroes and Good Neighbors. Lets applaud people in our area.