Free Events Newsletter for SW Nova Scotia
The Weymouth Bridge
Other projects...
Rain Barrels
By selling rain barrels from www.rainbarrel.ca, Janet raised over $600 for WWDC in early 2020! Whooohoo - way to go, Janet! She will consider doing this again in the future.
Community Gardens
Now under construction near the Storybook Trail & Victoria Road, Weymouth (November 2020)
If you are interested in learning more please contact the lead on this project: Email Maureen Langsford (maureen.langsford@gmail.com):
For ideas, here is an article about community gardens in the Halifax/Dartmouth area

Tide Pole
In 2019 WWDC released a "Call to Artists" to propose an artistic method of demonstrating the tide at Sissiboo landing. Nova Scotian artist Josh Collins submitted a proposal for a "plaza" which could be used for meetings, research and public access. He has been asked to submit further details. (June 2020). If you are interested in learning more please contact the lead on this project:Eleanor Johnson (info@theweymouthbridge.com)
Digby Municipality has put a tide and weather monitor in the river at the dock. The data output could be linked to a monitor at Sissiboo Landing.
Welcome Wagon
Sissiboo Landing is creating a Welcome to Weymouth pamphlet. Are you a trades person in the Weymouth area who would like to be listed. Jeanne would need name, phone number, and trade.
Jeanne, Sissiboo Landing
Weymouth Village Wide WiFi
The Sissiboo Landing Wifi has been strengthened and is now password free for all to use.
The water fountain:
A number of ideas were submitted with regard to the Weymouth Water Fountain. A rumor circulated recently about the owners of the bottling plant (Canadian Artesian) moving the fountain onto their land. This has not been denied or confirmed. Regular water testing is currently performed by Canadian Artesian, who have also purchased the coin operated equipment for filling tanks.
Meanwhile a small set of data was collected with regard to water use, a summary follows:
Answers were collected over 7 days. This was not a complete count of visitors.
61 people answered the questions
Traveled an average of 24.4km
Greatest distance was 90km
Took an average of 59L per visit
Came an average of 4.34 times a month
Took and average of 49.18L per month
A total of 3000L for these 61 people who answered this question
94% Came regularly
Supplied an average of 3 people per household
60% said the water at home was undrinkable
72% said they would buy water if they could not get water here
Although these numbers do not show how many people take water, they do show how far people come, and how much they rely on the water.
RV pumping station:
The water treatment plant in Weymouth is a bio dynamic plant. The antiseptic chemicals used in RV tanks to treat sewage would kill the organisms used in the Weymouth water treatment plant. Therefore it is not possible to simply connect an RV dumping facility to our town sewer.