Free Events Newsletter for SW Nova Scotia
The Weymouth Bridge
SOOF Soup Sunday (Save Our Old Forests)
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Centrelea Community Hall.
12 pm – 2 pm Centrelea Community Hall. Souper SOOF Chefs Rob Bright and Chantelle Webb will be back on Sunday, February 16! Join them for a free lunch of delicious soup and bread, followed by a conversation with citizen scientist Lisa Proulx! Lisa will be sharing stories about her adventures in the forests at the proposed Goldsmith Lake Wilderness Area in a talk called “So you Wanna be a Citizen Scientist, Eh?” This is a free event, but a free will donation to the Hall is appreciated. Please email soof@saveouroldforests.ca so we get a sense of numbers. Also let us know if you’ll bring something for the dessert table! Please label whatever you bring to highlight the ingredients and if it is vegan and/or gluten free...